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Praga - Alternative tours option

Show, Theater and music options that you shouldn't miss

Quando estivemos em Praga conseguimos experimentar 3 passeios muito interessantes que você não achará em qualquer guia de turismo.

1 – Lanterna Magika – teatro sem dialogo performático que usa vídeo, musica, atores e cenário para contar historias típicas do folclore local. Vale muito apena ir apesar de ser um pouco caro. Nunca vi nada parecido... è possível chegar no teatro com o tram numero 22. Este tram anda pela cidade inteira.... (http://www.laterna.cz/en/)

2 – Black Light Theater – sabe aquelas peças onde o teatro todo, atores e etc são preto e só aparece o que é refletido pela luz negra? Então.. é isso ai com a diferença que a qualidade é muuuiiittoo boa. Não é muito caro e vale muito a pena ir. O teatro fica na rua Vaclavske perto da estação Muzeum do metro. (http://www.wow-show.com/en/_

3 – assistir um concerto de órgão em uma igreja barroca ou medieval. Todos os finais de tarde em todas as igrejas de Praga acontecem concertos clássicos. Com aproximadamente R$ 50,00 você irá assistir musica de ótima qualidade com cenário impressionante. Eu fui em uma igreja barroca no final da Charles Bridge (inclusive uma das igrejas mais barrocas da Europa) e foi como se estivesse num filme do conde Drácula.... hehehe.



When I went there last may we did 3 very interest things that maybe you will not find in most of the tourist guide book available. If you are searching for alternative tours here you will find the answer!!

We recommend 2 typical plays (wordless play – after all who besides Prague citizens can understand that language?):

1- Lanterna Magika - http://www.laterna.cz/en/

Laterna magika counts its history since the year 1958.
The first period, created by the director Alfred Radok and stage-designer Josef Svoboda began at the world exhibition EXPO 58 in Brussels, Belgium. The programm showed in the Czechoslovak pavilion was named Laterna magika and later gave its name to the theatre in Prague, reconstructed at 1959 after the worldwide success on EXPO.
The second period was presented on the EXPO 67 in Montreal, Canada and as well as on the EXPO 70 in Osaka, Japan and with these performances travelled the theatre through the world.
In the half of seventieth became Laterna magika the part of the National Theatre in Prague, on the head with the artistic director Josef Svoboda, who was at the beginning of this special medium, which does not use the words, only the combination of film projection and life stage medias - dance, sound, lights, pantomime, black-theatre e.t.c.
There is a basic effort which is creating the face of Laterna magika till today - searching of the way to a specific theatre which is able to narrate a story by using of different themes and medias as well.

We watched the play “Wonderfull Circus” that was exciting, beautiful, amazing and etc…. this is something that you must see when you were walking around Prague downtown.
Tran # 22 takes you everywhere including the Národíni theater door. Little bit expensive but it worth!

2 – Black Light Theater - http://www.wow-show.com/en/

Nine black light theaters are active in Prague in these days. WOW is the biggest and most modern of them all, although it is the youngest.
This exiting show presents new attractions and it is performed interactively with the audience. For example, in one of the scenes six giant fluorescent balls descend from the ceiling and the cheering audience pushes and rolls them from side to side.

This theater is located at Vaclavske street – this is one of the main places in Prague downtown, full of malls and small stores. The subway is close and safe (Muzeum metro station)


3 – Watch an organ concert in a medieval/baroque church at night

We had an opportunity to watch a concert in a church in the end of Charles Bridge. This church (and unfortunately I do not remember the name) is the one of the most baroque church of Europe…. So can you imagine the picture?? Crazy…
Moreover the concert quality is amazing and you may fell like inside a terror movie or Dracula scene.
Lucky you that all churches in eastern Europe provide concerts from 5 pm on every day…. Enjoy it!

Any additional information needed let me know!

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Posted by acconte 10:39 Archived in Czech Republic Tagged prague czech_republic

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